There’s a growing debate whether the current network neutrality of Internet can be considered as such. One can argue that, apparently, given that Internet is not “owned” by someone that’s why there’s no one who can govern the behaviors of its users. Indeed, the bright side of it is that […]
The strength of weak ties Mark Granovetter, an American sociologist and professor at Stanford University, in May of 1973 introduced his theory on the spread of information in social networks known as “The Strength of Weak Ties”. For more reference – his paper “The Strength of Weak Ties” was published […]
What Every Mobile Indie Developer Needs to Know? While conducting my research and talking to different industry experts (indie developers, video game publishers, etc.) there’s usually a set of comments that have been popping up consistently that are worth to be mentioned in this dedicated post as a heads up. […]
Technological lockout Technology markets tend to be extremely path dependent and such path dependency implies a significant exposure to random events that might lead both, to the success or the failure of a given technology. Nevertheless, there might be a set of factors and firm strategies that could be outlined […]
Building a development collective Usually independent developers and small development teams don’t have access to the same resources as large companies. Nevertheless, teaming up with other developers they can increase their reach, leverage their existing resources and find new collaborators for their projects. However, larger collectives imply more complex challenges, […]
Neo Institutionalism describes a revival of the interest for the study of institutions which occurred during the mid-1970s and is linked to a growing interest in the environment in which organizations are embedded that started in the 1960s, according to William Richard Scott, Institutions and Organizations (1995). Neo Institutionalism puts the emphasis […]
Transaction Cost Economics aims to explain why certain transactions are done within an organizations rather than on an open market and this fundamental question had been already raised in “The nature of the firm” by Coase (1937). Ronald Coase argued that organizations attempt to minimize transaction costs as these costs can be […]
To understanding the meaning of “leadership” we can define it as the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or a set of goals. All managers lead but not all leaders are managers and there are different theories that attempt to explain leadership, but those that […]
Work teams and group dynamics is a very broad topic, but we will narrow our review to some of the most relevant questions about it: Why is it relevant to study work teams? What are the main group development stages? What is group structure and how does it influence group […]